Masuk Daftar

press on artinya

contoh kalimat "press on"
  • Press on north, move toward the river, toward the United States ford.
    menuju seberang Negara Uni.
  • I had my fair share of press on Hell's Angels.
    Aku punya saham di Hell's Angels.
  • I was just reading some of the press on the closure.
    Aku baru saja membaca berita.
  • Those who survive the night press on.
    Bagi mereka yang selamat malam itu buru-buru berangkat.
  • I think you're pressing on her carteroid artery now.
    Aku rasa kau sedang menekan arteri carteroid nya.
  • Get the letter opener and press on his wound!
    Ambil pisau dan tongkat mereka itu luka !
  • I don't know what I'm fucking pressing on!
    Aku tak tahu harus menekan di mana!
  • However, Yuan Chonghuan... is pressing on with his cavalry.
    Namun, apabila Yuan Chonghuan... menyerang balik dengan kavaleri.
  • Why wouldn't the SA do a full-court press on this?
    Kenapa Kejaksaan tak mengadakan publikasi soal ini?
  • We need the press on this like we need a third tit.
    Kita butuh wartawan dalam hal ini.
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